Samhain 2011 Flash Rite Pub Moot with Mummers' Play

<strong>Coven Oldenwilde's 17th Annual Samhain (Halloween) Public Witch Ritual</strong> was held Saturday, Oct. 29, 2011, from 8-10 pm in downtown Asheville, NC. This year's rite was a <strong>Flash Rite Pub Moot with Mummers' Play</strong> — a short, humorous, poignant play about the seasonal death and rebirth of John Barleycorn, spirit of hops and grains, that we performed at three brewpubs in downtown Asheville — The Thirsty Monk, Jack of the Wood, and Hannah Flanagan's — and rehearsed in West Asheville at Tolliver's Crossing.
In this photo album you'll see pictures of the pub performances, the costumed mummers' ceremonial processions along downtown Asheville's reveler-crowded main streets, and the culminating Spiral Dance around the famous Magnolia trees we saved. You can follow our cast of mummer characters — the Witch, John Barleycorn, Death, the Healer, Ol' Charmer, the Priestesses, the Fool.

<b>Click on a thumbnail to view the larger versions of a photo.</b> Feel free to download and use them with credit or a link to Coven Oldenwilde.

<ul><li>See also our photo albums of the <a href="" title="First dress rehearsal of Coven Oldenwilde's Samhain 2011 Flash Rite Pub Moot with Mummers Play">Flash Rite Pub Moot first dress rehearsal</a> near the Covenstead and <a href="" title="Final dress rehearsal at Tolliver's Crossing of Coven Oldenwilde's Samhain 2011 Flash Rite Pub Moot with Mummers Play">final dress rehearsal at Tolliver's Crossing. showing pub performances, processions, and spiral dance.</li>
<li>Read about <a href="" title="About Coven Oldenwilde's Samhain 2011 Flash Rite Pub Moot with Mummers Play">Samhain 17</a>, including the cast (with mug shots!), script, and the history and meaning of mummers' plays.</li>
<li> Photographers were <a href="mailto:[email protected]" title="Email Jack Hedden">Jack Hedden</a>, Tyrfire, and Monty, as credited in each photo's filename. <strong>Do you have photos or videos of Asheville's Samhain 2011 Flash Rite Pub Moot with Mummers Play?</strong> Please <a href="mailto:[email protected]">contact us</a> so that we can post them (or a link) here!</li></ul>

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